Tag: universities
De opkomst van de universitaire campus in Nederland, 1945-2020
Nu de universiteitsgebouwen in Nederland er verlaten bijliggen vanwege de coronapandemie – en geschikt worden gemaakt voor de anderhalvemetersamenleving – breekt een nieuw hoofdstuk aan in de roerige geschiedenis van de universiteitscampussen in de afgelopen decennia. Universiteiten zijn al enige tijd volop bezig met renovatie, sloop en nieuwbouw, vaak op basis van uitgesproken ideeën over…
Gossip at the Academic Playground
Thinking about nineteenth-century scholars we tend to picture well-behaved members of polite society. The paintings and pictures of old faculty members that still adorn so many contemporary university halls and lecture rooms show earnest and erudite men who seem to be miles above ordinary pettiness. Some of these men have indeed made extraordinary contributions to…
What are/were/will universities be for?
Last week, the purpose and ownership of the university were popular topics at several academic openings of the year throughout the Netherlands. In Twente, the slogan Rethinking the University echoed the recent reformist waves in Dutch academia, while the protests at the University of Amsterdam made clear these currents are anything but dead. Professor Beatrice…